Submission #1021928

Source Code Expand

#define DEB
#define REP(i,m) for(int i=0;i<(m);++i)
#define REPN(i,m,in) for(int i=(in);i<(m);++i)
#define ALL(t) (t).begin(),(t).end()
#define CLR(a) memset((a),0,sizeof(a))
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define fr first
#define sc second

using namespace std;

#ifdef DEB
#define dump(x)  cerr << #x << " = " << (x) << endl
#define prl cerr<<"called:"<< __LINE__<<endl
template<class T> void debug(T a,T b){ for(;a!=b;++a) cerr<<*a<<' ';cerr<<endl;}
#define dump(x) ;
#define prl ;
template<class T> void debug(T a,T b){ ;}

template<class T> void chmin(T& a,const T& b) { if(a>b) a=b; }
template<class T> void chmax(T& a,const T& b) { if(a<b) a=b; }

typedef long long int lint;
typedef pair<int,int> pi;

namespace std{
  template<class S,class T>
  ostream &operator <<(ostream& out,const pair<S,T>& a){
    return out;

//const int INF=5e8;

const double PI=acos(-1.0);
typedef complex<double> P;
namespace std {
  bool operator < (const P& a, const P& b) {
    return real(a) != real(b) ? real(a) < real(b) : imag(a) < imag(b);
double cross(const P& a, const P& b) {
  return imag(conj(a)*b);
double cross(const P& a,const P& b,const P& c){
  return cross(b-a,c-a);
double dot(const P& a, const P& b) {
  return real(conj(a)*b);

P rotate(const P& a,double ang){
  return P(a.real()*cos(ang)-a.imag()*sin(ang),

const double EPS=1e-9 ,EPS2 = 1e-9;
int sign(double a){
  if(abs(a)<=EPS) return 0;
  if(a>0) return 1;
  return -1;

int ccw(P a, P b, P c) {
  b -= a; c -= a;
  if (cross(b, c) > EPS2)   return +1;       // counter clockwise
  if (cross(b, c) < EPS2)   return -1;       // clockwise
  return 0;                

bool intersectLL(const P& l1,const P& l2, const P& m1, const P& m2) {
  return abs(cross(l2-l1, m2-m1)) > EPS || // non-parallel
         abs(cross(l2-l1, m1-l1)) == 0;   // same line
bool intersectLS(const P& l1,const P& l2, const P& s1,const P& s2) {
  return sign(cross(l2-l1, s1-l1))*       // s[0] is left of l
         sign(cross(l2-l1, s2-l1)) <= EPS; // s[1] is right of l
inline bool intersectLP(const P& l1,const P& l2, const P &p) {
  return abs(cross(l2-p, l1-p)) <= EPS ;
inline bool intersectSS(const P& s1,const P& s2,const P& t1 ,const P& t2) {
  return sign(cross(s1,s2,t1))*sign(cross(s1,s2,t2)) <= 0 &&
         sign(cross(t1,t2,s1))*sign(cross(t1,t2,s2)) <= 0;

bool intersectSP(const P& s1,const P& s2, const P &p) {
  if(abs(abs(s1-p)+abs(s2-p)-abs(s1-s2))<EPS) return true;
  return false;

P projection(const P& l1,const P& l2, const P &p) {
  double t = dot(p-l1, l1-l2) / norm(l1-l2);
  return l1 + t*(l1-l2);
P reflection(const P &l1,const P& l2, const P &p) {
  return p + 2.0 * (projection(l1,l2, p) - p);
double distanceLP(const P &l1,const P& l2, const P &p) {
  return abs(p - projection(l1,l2, p));
double distanceLL(const P &l1,const P& l2, const P &m1,const P& m2) {
  return intersectLL(l1,l2, m1,m2) ? 0 : distanceLP(l1,l2, m1);
double distanceLS(const P &l1,const P& l2, const P &s1,const P& s2) {
  if (intersectLS(l1,l2, s1,s2)) return 0;
  return min(distanceLP(l1,l2, s1), distanceLP(l1,l2,s2));
double distanceSP(const P &s1,const P& s2, const P &p) {
  const P r = projection(s1,s2, p);
  if (intersectSP(s1,s2, r)) return abs(r - p);
  return min(abs(s1 - p), abs(s2 - p));
double distanceSS(const P &s1,const P& s2, const P &t1,const P& t2) {
  if (intersectSS(s1,s2, t1,t2)) return 0;
  return min(min(distanceSP(s1,s2, t1), distanceSP(s1,s2, t2)),
             min(distanceSP(t1,t2, s1), distanceSP(t1,t2, s2)));

//instersectLL : true
P crosspointLL(const P &l1,const P& l2, const P &m1,const P& m2) {
  double A = cross(l2 - l1, m2 - m1);
  double B = cross(l2 - l1, l2 - m1);
  if (abs(A) < EPS && abs(B) < EPS) return m1; // same line
  if (abs(A) < EPS) assert(false); // !!!PRECONDITION NOT SATISFIED!!!
  return m1 + B / A * (m2 - m1);

P input(){
  double a,b;cin>>a>>b;
  return P(a,b);

P p[3];

double solve(){
  double a=abs(p[1]-p[0]);

  P d1=p[1]/abs(p[1]),d2=p[2]/abs(p[2]);

  P p1=P(0,0),p2=d1+d2;


  P p3=p[1],p4=p3+d1+d2;

  P inn=crosspointLL(p1,p2,p3,p4);

  double h=inn.imag();

  return h/(1+2*h/a);
void normalize(){
  double th=arg(p[1]);
int main(){
  REP(i,3) p[i]=input();

  double ans=0;



  return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task B - Inscribed Bicycle
User hogloid
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 500
Code Size 4962 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 5 ms
Memory 384 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 500 / 500
AC × 2
AC × 18
Set Name Test Cases
Sample example0.txt, example1.txt
All 000.txt, 001.txt, 002.txt, 003.txt, 004.txt, 005.txt, 006.txt, 007.txt, 008.txt, 009.txt, 010.txt, 011.txt, 012.txt, 013.txt, 014.txt, 015.txt, example0.txt, example1.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
000.txt AC 5 ms 384 KB
001.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
002.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
003.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
004.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
005.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB
006.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
007.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
008.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB
009.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB
010.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB
011.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
012.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
013.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB
014.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
015.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB
example0.txt AC 4 ms 384 KB
example1.txt AC 3 ms 256 KB